Art made with generative algorithms, data science tools, and/or AI
In defense of AI art
An impassioned argument in favor of AI image creation as an art form in its own right.
Is it AI art if a human designed it?
I made an end-run around an AI generative art platform to release art that doesn't actually use AI for its image generation. However, because I couldn't entirely turn off the AI, it leaves a trace in visible image artifacts. Is the result AI art? Is it not? Should you collect it if you collect AI art? Should you collect it if you don't collect AI art but do collect code-based art? Read further to learn everything about this collection.
How StrangerintheQ used rayhatching to create a castle
A systematic deconstruction of output #317 of Piter Pasma's Universal Rayhatcher project, "castle" by StrangerintheQ.
Rayhatching a UFO scene
A deep dive into how to create the SDF for a UFO flying over a landscape, using Piter Pasma's Universal Rayhatcher project.
Rayhatching a Truchet tiling
A deep dive into how to create the SDF for a Truchet tiling, using Piter Pasma's Universal Rayhatcher project.
A guided tour of The Artifact
A selection of some of my favorite outputs from my generative art collection The Artifact.
Art permanence on Ethereum and on Tezos
An extended article based on a recent Twitter thread on "chain risk" and art NFTs on Ethereum and Tezos.
Discovering the Artifact
A brief description of how The Artifact works, how it was implemented, and how it came to be.
Building an Alien Clock II
This article continues the exploration of the ideas and mathematical concepts used to create the animations shown in the generative artwork The Passing of Time. Here, I explain how we can control animation speed across different browsers and operating systems and how we can computationally generate interesting color palettes with minimal code.
Building an Alien Clock
An explanation of the ideas and mathematical concepts used to create the animations shown in the one-year fx(hash) anniversary piece The Passing of Time.