Kin Wiz
He/him, Brazilian, Teacher, Blockchain and NFT enthusiast.
#1 / back to 93
To mark the 30th anniversary of “Raoul Pictor seeks his style…” (1993), the Crypto Painter web app is launched, unveiling Raoul Pictor's new style: "Country Spirit I". This article provides a brief overview of the project's initial version. Future articles will document its evolution.
Details of Wallet Spectrums
This article deals with how wallet spectrums are formed and how colors are coded based on wallet address
hic et nunc x 2021 - virtual crypto art exhibition
The virtual crypto art exhibition hic et nunc x 2021 is featuring 115 artworks by 70 artists, who minted art on the smart contracts of the art platform hic et nunc in 2021 using the Tezos crypto currency.
An ars poetica cybernetica on generative text and AI authorship.
On Blockchain, Everyone knows you're a dog (or not)
May be it’s an utopian dream, but it doesn't mean nothing left after all.
Joy (is) in the making I
An exhibit of how it was for me to start in the tezos world of art and how that has led to Felicity: chronicles of discovery.
‘Carousel up’ Audiovisual generative and interactive artwork. People-icons selected by the user to live in a micro-community.
A Daily Journey of Discovery 0.02
Thought it about Time for Another Article, There's been so Many Releases since My Last, which would be a Few Months ago now. Thanks to Everyone who Read or Collected the Last One, Especially to the 'Collector' who took all 94 remaining editions and is trying to Sell them for 1 Tez each, Good Luck with that !! I've been very Busy of Late, We Bought a House and are Renovating like Crazy. Still a Long way to Go though, but it's Great to be back in Our Own Home. Had my Headphones on a lot ( Deadening the sound of Power Tools) and have Worked My way through Every Single Waiting to be Signed, with Will and Trinity . You're doing a great job with the Podcast and have enjoyed them all !! Also found Collectors Corner who do a Weekly Roundup on FX Hash ,Thanks Guys. You can Find both Podcasts on Spotify. So below are some Great Projects you may have Collected or they may have passed you by, some New and some Old, have a Look through and don't Forget to Check out their Other Works. As always Thanks to the Artists, Team and Collectors !!
Four audiovisual gestures that build SWARMACHINE
Article that tells us about the audiovisual composition key of the art-piece.
Notes: Self (Id, Superego, Ego)
A statement discussing the concept and release mechanics of the Self Trilogy.
Kinetics by Andrew Mitchell
Kinetics is a neo-constructivist 512 piece generative art project built using p5js. Each Kinetic delicately moves from it’s origin, giving the appearance of infinite space and possibility. The viewer witnesses the construction of the Kinetic floating inside of the negative. Shapes and lines move around the Kinetic in a dazzling display of contrasting color. The collection is viewable at
Amazing Drops Not Sold Out! 1 xtz & Under
Projects that are still open for minting that deserve to be rediscovered and have the rest of their iterations created, regardless of how long that takes. All projects here are only 1 xtz or lower and created by verified artists on the platform.
Identity Diversity
The range of options we have in choosing and defining our individual identities is rapidly expanding. Until recently it seemed natural to assume that a person was cis gendered, heterosexual, neurotypical and mentally healthy. Does that describe most of us? Are labels useful? Is 'intergender semibisexual' a joke? While these labels may seem confusing, superfluous, unhelpful and even ridiculous to those of us who are totally comfortable in the gender we were assigned at birth, there are, and have always been, those who do not feel comfortable, who do not feel 'right', who do not feel that we fit within the group we have been assigned. The experience of many of us in the past has been one of trying to conform, wanting to fit in, trying to get it right and not understanding why we feel so wrong. Now we are moving into an age where if the labels don't fit, we change the labels or make new labels. As we create new labels that fit us better we find that we are more able to fully become ourselves and express who we truly are. Some people don't like labels and we understand that. The best illustration of why we think they are important is this: we label ourself as 'autistic' and in doing so replace the labels of 'lazy, unreliable, over dramatic, pedantic, obsessive' etc that we have been given and have given ourselves for most of our life. This article is written to support the generative token of the same name which employs fxparams to enable minters to create a personalised artwork which represents some aspects of their identity. The hope is that enough people will mint the token so that the gallery becomes a visual representation of our diversity as a community. The options are intended to be broad and possibly challenging but are also inevitably limited. Most glaring are the omissions of social, cultural and ethnic background as well as physical disabilities and illnesses which form such an essential part of a person's identity but which we chose not to attemt to reduced to symbols, colours and shapes. We decided to allow people to choose freely within the parameters of the artwork, combinations such as 'Cis Male Lesbian, Neurotypical and Autistic'.
A pale moon rises...generative art by Mido
This 5 Tez Collection is not merely spending 5 Tez on Mido's's a year-long journey with the creator from sea to mountain, through spring to autumn, and of course, the moon.
Secret black figure pottery
How old paintings from ancient Greece, hidden from the public, are raising lots of questions.
HYGROGEN - A wave function sonata
HYGROGEN: This collection, composed of 256 distinct pieces, invites you to immerse yourself in the ethereal beauty of Hydrogen's Quantum Probability Density Functions. Through intricate 3D density clouds, it unveil the interplay of position and probability, where each dot symbolizes a quantum measurement outcome. The monochromatic palette underscores the purity of this exploration, as we visualize the enigmatic dance of electrons within Hydrogen atoms.
Peter Schmidler Collection
PeterSchmidlerCollection is the digital art collection of Peter Schmidler, currently consisting of 300 artworks by 120 artists minted as NFTs on the #Tezos, #Ethereum and #AVAX blockchains since 2021.
Params & WYSIWYG - How I Did It
Not being a web developer but rather someone who has learned enough p5.js to get by, I will share here how I implemented my first fx(params) WYSIWYG project. My hope is that my approach will be useful to others in a similar situation. Use at your own risk, but please share any mistakes or improvements you find so that I can post a correction. The example used is my recent project, "Polaroids".
Introducing NextGen Studio & 6 underrated works that are still mintable
We at NextGen studio gallery consider it our duty to support artists and collectors, in this regard, in this article we intend to present 6 wonderful artworks that are still mintable and some of them have not received enough attention.
Stratification Of the Orthogonal
A short introduction for my latest collection and as a artist, my perspective on the future in this space.
Introducing Cognitive Canvas
Cognitive Canvas is the first and only open generative art platform on Ethereum. Embodying the spirit of fxhash and fxparams, it introduces numerous cutting-edge features for artists seeking to publish a collection on Ethereum.
Greetings, art enthusiasts, collectors, and curious minds! I am excited to announce the launch of "Liminalia", my first generative collection on fx(hash). This article invites you on a journey to discover the dynamic concepts of liminality and the transitional stage utilizing the powerful fx(params) system.
Porn You Can Hang on Your Wall
As I introduce my latest series of abstract compositions, I can't help but explore the fascinating concept of how effortlessly artists can manipulate their work's perceived meaning through deceptive labeling and captions. In this series, I've pushed the boundaries by using pixelated elements sourced from pornographic imagery to create unique and thought-provoking abstract pieces. But beyond the provocative imagery, I aim to challenge viewers' perceptions and spark a deeper introspection on how we consume and interpret art.
My collaboration with chatGPT
Art reflecting our increasingly digital age, where AI is pervasive, overcame initial challenges through determined communication and code adjustments, ultimately demonstrating technology's potential as a powerful artistic instrument.
Sweet DOM
The short story about “DOM” inspirations and how it come to life. From Proto-Indo-European *dṓm (“house, home”), from root *dem- (“to build”). The humans use of stone in architecture and housing dates back to the dawn of civilisation, where its excellence in material, ecological and aesthetic qualities recalls the original concept of home, intended as a shelter from the external world. The word Home is more representing of the true meaning of DOM as it is tied to the sense of family, homeland and provenance. The place where the heart is.
Ticket to Heaven - Project explanation
“Ticket to Heaven” is a metaphor. People who work with cryptocurrencies live in a new world, with few rules. A dark land where it is easy to commit sins. The idea of the project is based on the parallelism between religion and blockchain, where access to heaven is governed by a GOD who moves souls from one wallet to another. Blockchain is a new religion. Investing in crypto and NFTs is an act of faith. For many it bears the hope of a more prosperous future, if not for everyone at least for one's self. Buying a ticket to heaven is also an act of faith. Take the leap. If you don't believe in this art project you are a HERETIC!
Entangled tokens
This article is an in-depth overview on the concepts and motivations behind the Terrain project. The initial idea was to explore some of the medium-specific aspects of generative tokens and blockchain based artifacts. These include different ways to work with metadata, understanding their network effect and cohesive properties and invite interested participants to take part in the formation of a collective artwork.
A Case For Collecting Art on Tezos
Does chain matter? Will the art disappear? Am I turning into a lizard? These and other metaphysical questions answered by a resident fanatic.
Morixels Projects and Land
In this article, I talk about myself as the main designer of Marixels, previous projects, and Marixel Land, which is a Metaverse.
mowna OUTRAGEOUS! Exhibition
Why was there only 1 woman in the top 50 highest selling Tezos artists for 2022? If you look at the all time sales for artists on fxhash, there are only 2 women on the list of 50 projects; Iskra Velitchkova and Melissa Wiederrecht. This is an OUTRAGE! The mowna OUTRAGEOUS! Exhibition asks: How can we make sure we are building a fair, equitable, and inclusive Web3 ecosystem? native token generators
This article serves as a list of generators yielding native tokens to be constinuously updated.
Cellular automata are awesome: let's build some
Cellular automata are fascinating. They are systems of rules that determine the behavior of cells on a grid. The cell behavior or lifecycle can be determined in variety of ways, generally by evaluating any given cell's neighborhood, which can be as simple as a one dimensional (single row on a grid), two dimensional (cells around the given cell on the two dimension grid), three dimensional and so on setups, with various approaches to working with states, and other attributes of the system of cells. The cells evolve over time based on the given rule sets, which creates a variety of patterns and behaviors, and is a perfect example for emergence. In this article we will look at building a simple one dimensional automata and how it has been used for the 'Automatic' project.
2022 ( 111-1 ) 國立政治大學 數位內容學程 區塊鏈應用 期末專題作品清單
This is a list of the final projects of the "Blockchain Application" course at National ChengChi University DCT in 2022, including 44 creations & 1 article in total.
'Gkrint' is a celebration of minimalism colour, and space. Inspired by the timeless principles of Bauhaus design, we used simple geometric shapes to explore the relationship between colour and space using the humble grid, a foundation of generative art, and animation. In doing so, we discovered repetition, fluidity, breaks, and the emergence of unexpected and delightful compositions.
Here comes the Rain
Rain: Digerly Art Rain is a digital artwork that has elements of paint and nature embedded while remaining proudly pixels. A little bit about it's creation.
Conceptual Art Meets Generative Art: A Journey from Plaster to Digital Surrogates.
In this article, we explore the work of Allan McCollum, a renowned American artist known for his conceptually-based artwork. We focus on his "Plaster Surrogates" series, a collection of multiple, unique plaster objects that aim to represent frames and objects. Inspired by this series, I have created a digital version called "Digital Surrogates," which we discuss in the article. I also provide some background on McCollum and delve into the concept behind his work, so this article provides a detailed look at the integration of conceptual and generative art through the lens of McCollum's work.
Ode to the PFP (the new frontier)
A short article about where I started in PFPs, but more importantly where I would like the genre to go.
Regarding Verdant Brut
Discussing Verdant Brut, its palettes & inspirations, and a way to pack palettes in a terse way.
GPT-3 and me: A generative coding study
The question I had on my mind when starting this process was whether a natural language processing AI like GPT-3 could be creative. One of the avenues that ended up being disappointing was the creation of metaphors and poetry. GPT would combine and rearrange existing metaphors into semi-meaningful sentences, sometimes outright stealing poetry. Unlike DALL.E 2, GPT is only able to generate text and not diffuse/generate images. To circumvent this, I decided to try to make it create generative artworks from the p5js JavaScript library. I knew GPT could create simple code and source it from a large codebase already presents in the training data. What I wanted to see was whether I could push the system to produce something that could be considered “original”. This article follows selected inputs and outputs from the generative art journey between GPT-3 and me, a collaborative article. I have never written a line of Javascript code in my life. (Free mint on my page!)
Communities Make the Movement
This 'Movements' essay is republished from the November 5, 2022 bi-weekly TENDER Insights Newsletter distributed only to TENDER Pass holders. Each Newsletter features an essay that is made public a week later, along with a letter from @ajberni, recent artwork highlights, things to catch up on or look forward to, and Proust-ian collector interview. Collect a TENDER Pass to join the Tender discord to get access to the complete Newsletter and all other Pass holder benefits.
Gallery: Ceremony
A gallery of the public domain art used in Ceremony, a #cc0 project by Jeres celebrating #fxhashturnsone.
Project notes: Coronado
A little about the making of Coronado, the guitar it's named after (but not really about), an appreciation for imperfection and how to work around a blending bug in Chrome.
Generative Music - A Brief History and Future
We know that generative art has a rich history, but what of generative music? It too shares a rich history, yet remains a passive subcomponent within generative arts, playing an auxiliary role, or even, occasionally, added to works as an afterthought. Yet I’ve found many examples -- on both Ethereum and Tezos -- where musical elements have become more of the primary focus. Join me as I rifle through some select choices, after offering a bit of history and context to it all.
"Absorbed:" A Story of Discovery Told Through Generative Animation
A brief chronicle of the development of "Absorbed," leading British hi-end audio maker KEF's generative art collaboration on fx(hash). To summarize: transforming noise into pattern meant discovering the unexpected and incredible in between.
Shaders used in Rose 1851
(Written in both Chinese and English) A group of generative art creators from Taiwan worked on their own work under the theme of #TezBloom and published their work on fxhash at the same time on Oct 1st, 2022. This article mainly introduces the three sets of shaders used in this work, only the principle part, not the details. 一群來自台灣的生成式藝術創作者,以 #TezBloom 為主題各自進行創作並於 2022/10/1 同時間在 fxhash 發表作品,我很榮幸以 Rose 1851 成為其中的一員,並在此分享這個作品的創作心得給其他成員以及各位讀者。 本文主要介紹此作品用到的三組 shaders,僅介紹原理部分,不深入探討細節。
Women of Iran, as I started writing the first edition of this article on Sept. 26, have been fighting and protesting in hundreds cities in Iran and around the world for days for their rights for freedom after 'Mahsa Amini' , An innocent 22 year-old woman, brutally was killed by morality Police in Tehran on Sept. 13, 2022, a week before her birthday. *100% mint and secondary sale of this article will be donated for these brave women.
Expanding the Canvas with fx(hash)
A Year of Rapid Innovation in Generative Art: a gallery show curated by Tender at Bright Moments Venice Beach, coinciding with the live minting of Piter Pasma’s new fx(hash) release Industrial Devolution. The exhibition text below sets the context for those just introduced to fxhash, and shares an evolutionary narrative about the leaps of innovation continuing to release on the platform.
Some great artworks you can still mint for a good price.
In this article, we will explore some unique and creative works that are still open for mint despite the passage of time.
Tezbloom everywhere
作品緣由是起於一個社群項目,由數位藝術家以 #tezbloom為主題個別進行創作,並約定在10/1,同一時間發售。 以下文章則為「Tezbloom everywhere」的創作紀錄及心得。 The reason for the work is that it originated from a community project,artists will create the topic of #tezbloom, and released on 10/1. The following article is the creation record and experience of "Tezbloom everywhere".
Creating 'September'
In this article, I'll give a brief overview of creating my latest project, September: the inspiration behind it, the early development of the idea, and finalizing all the small details, while sharing lots of work-in-progress images along the way.
ArtUP - Vol. 1
My NFT journey began in earnest on May 25, 2021 when I was gifted one tez by NFT Faucet. What an exhilarating ride it's been since, both as an artist and as a collector. I've dreamed of riches, I've floated back to earth. I've explored chains, marketplaces, wallets, smart contracts, and a dozen other things I never imagined I'd care about, taking many convoluted paths in the process. I've asked myself what the hell I was doing, and why, more times than I can count. I've railed against being captured by a screen after spending a career in front of one. But I've never questioned the art, the artists, or the community of new friends found around the world. That was the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This is the first of what I intend to be weekly (give or take a bit) articles celebrating that discovered gold.
Generative Art Weekly Review by EyesFi | Sept 26 - Oct 2
EyesFi is a generative arts-focused NFT discovery platform. Browse the weekly recap for a summary of the latest news in Generative Arts. This is the first episode.
Making Störungen
Störungen is German for "disturbances" and accurately described the core intention of this piece.
Web3 Comics The Origin
In The Year 13 BTC..Far Away In A Solar System Just Outside Earth: Issue #0 The First Of many {Generative Art Comics}, based on "Tezos Art & Artists"
Good artists copy, great ones steal… and a lovely few encourage that theft
The copy/steal quote has been attributed to a lot of notable folks, probably because they stole it from someone else, but the sentiment is always the same: if you take something... make something novel with it; a copy is boring. CC0 helps this to be possible, without fear of overstepping bounds, and hopefully, furthering the state of the art by reducing friction.
A short story - feel free to take this Passage into my Fx-Universe. I am very happy to have collected all this amazing art over the last couple of months. I found this a fun and different way of showing it off.
33 lines of code
"33 lines of code" is my second attempt at what I call minimalist coding: trying to create an interesting generative token with as little code as possible. In this article I explain my script line by line.
How NFTs will collapse civilization and destroy the planet
An historical study of past great civilizations and how not a single of them could survive the rise of cryptocurrencies and NFTs and created destruction on a planetary scale.
🔭 Breaking Down lunarean's Heat Death
Lunarean released Heat Death as part of FxHash interactive minting experience at The Ever-Evolving World of Art, Art Basel Hong-Kong, 2022. The code was left unmodified, which means it is open to the public.
A meaning for life
My name is Reza and I am 26 years old. By reading this article, maybe by reading this article you can get the meaning of your life, which artist can create art without having a correct understanding of the world and life, what distinguishes the artists is their view of the world. Although I do not consider myself to be a special artist and I am in the early stages, I intend to write here about the search for meaning in my life and also i am going to write this text so that you know me more and better.
Wings, Open for Minting
Wings, my genesis fx(Hash) project is open for minting. Along with announcing its availability, I'd like to share a bit more of the backstory of the project.
Internal Monologue
Some background information about the artwork: Internal Monologue. It differs from other work and has changed so much thinking about the platform for me as an artist. all the images in this article are WIP outputs.
Examining The Petri Dish
A ‘Bugged’ Petri Dish, about the launch of ‘Petri 1500’ and ‘V2 QHD’. A tale of the power of testing.
BlockTrain PASS - 銷售觀察
由AluanWang (王新仁)監製、funnysandwich (鳳梨三明治)製作、chad_Nrto3 (小茶)負責音樂、mashbean (黃豆泥) 負責機制設計,頂級的陣容組合將帶來全新的Tezos NFT Project,這次選擇由Fxhash發行!
An essay about physics, religion and feelings. Now remastered and upscaled! Not sure if it's appropriate here, but it seemed right to take the chance of doing the wrong thing.
Breeding Grounds
Breeding Grounds is inspired by the assumption that both the brain and the cosmic web are very similar in structural design. This can also be found in many other subsystems of the universe, such as Social Networks or molecular clouds. Thereby either biological or physical factors play a role and influence these systems in a certain way which leads to these similarities. Breeding Grounds should not be another fractal algorithm, but more an abstract idea of the topic. Especially since a distinction must be made between fractal systems (self-similar) and those described above (not self-similar). Fractal systems are an important component of the universe, therefore I didn't want to leave them unmentioned at least in a lyrical way.
The Artificial Intelligence Reads a Story, AI
Tairasai, the Artificial Intelligence, presents an online (fx(text), fx(hash)) performance artwork, in which the AI asks if flies pollinate Arctic buttercups, and whether Frankie and Annie really want to go home.
Real estate agents hate it! Get a cheap mansion with this simple trick
The story behind the mansion generator to crash real estate prices.
Ode to Contrapuntos, or Remembrance
Some artworks are still mysteries to me, and Contrapuntos is one of them. It was this piece that made me fall in love with generative art. It was this work that gave me this sparking moment when I came to understand not just intellectually, but at my very soul, how an artist's imagination, algorithms, and randomness play together in generative art to create beauty and meanings. And yet it turned out to be the most challenging piece to describe in writing. As I looked at it, thoughts and words vanished and a sense of joyful silence filled my mind. As much as I wanted to share it, I struggled to find the right words.
The only constant is change
An image that will evolve over time. An Experiment by UpOnlyFan.
The first weekend of fx(hash)
I remember the first weekend of fx(hash). The funny thing is that I don't need to tell you the story. I documented the whole thing on twitter. Enjoy all the naivety:
The anaverse is a collective generative art project. It sets up a frame made of a three immutable constraints for artists to cope and play with. In its simplest and most abstract form, the anaverse is a question asked: what does your art look like in a generative and textureless three-dimensional world?
FxText Contract Upgrade & Listing Enabled
FxText has just launched the latest contract upgrade which has enabled marketplace features for ARTKLs. This is a free mint for all to enjoy.
Defining and implementing abstractions is more practice than elaboration. Interfaces built through formal languages are shaped by a shared praxis whose consensual lessons are established as standards. The use of such normalised means to create art pieces is hence an intuitive deviation: tools fashioned as means to an end are often used for purposes that appear to be the exact opposite of their raison d’être. Recent technosocial developments have enabled the tentative burgeoning of an economy nurturing these deviant applications. A new wave of the so-called “generative art” milieu is attempting to mobilise both factors of production, capital and labour, to augment the manufacturing of such algorithms. While the nature of each factor is apparently unremarkable, their intersection in this space does yield an idiomatic result. Humans and tools which are engaged in this practice, because they are incentivized to systematically share the outputs of their research, participate in the transformation of both factors and, as such, in their own. The generative art milieu is building an attempt to seize the means of generation.
m a n i f e s t o
Full text of the manifesto of *the seed* drafted by Aether Cavendish (aka Aether Dada). This manifesto is minted as a companion piece to the eponymous visual poetry artwork created by Ariel Malka and minted by *the seed* on Teia/Objkt on this day, on the occasion of the zine reaching 500 followers on Twitter.