I'm a collector and I've always been misunderstood
fx(flowField) - Curated Practices
fx(flowField) is part of the fxhackathon 2023: co-creation interfaces.
Some thoughts on "Nowhere Else"
Sharing some insight, thoughts, and background behind my project "Nowhere Else".
Some insights about the making of the project "Stir", released on fx(hash). From hand-woven swatches to computer generated images.
Conceptual Art Meets Generative Art: A Journey from Plaster to Digital Surrogates.
In this article, we explore the work of Allan McCollum, a renowned American artist known for his conceptually-based artwork. We focus on his "Plaster Surrogates" series, a collection of multiple, unique plaster objects that aim to represent frames and objects. Inspired by this series, I have created a digital version called "Digital Surrogates," which we discuss in the article. I also provide some background on McCollum and delve into the concept behind his work, so this article provides a detailed look at the integration of conceptual and generative art through the lens of McCollum's work.
universo paralello in stopmotion
"The experience of living a social utopia in a few days". This is how I describe the experience at Universo Paralello Festival. This is the initial reference in productions over 12 years living and making art in the electronic/alternative music scene.
Notes: Self (Id, Superego, Ego)
A statement discussing the concept and release mechanics of the Self Trilogy.
Params, a user's guide, for collectors
New to fx(params)? Here's what you need to know before to buy your first ticket! A step by step guide, with a hint of snark and no bullshit.
rtrdgtzr - Minter's Guide
This article will provide a guide for minters of rtrdgtzr, a long-form collaborative collection on fxhash. What you see when you open the minting window is a blank canvas, an editor, which takes an input image provided by the minter and applies generative post-processing to it. The output is an animated composition which can be exported into a gif, the original animated file format made for the Internet. The input image itself is compressed and stored on-chain through params mechanic as a signal in string format, retrieved every time the artwork is regenerated. rtrdgtzr draws heavily from the tradition of pixel and glitch art, graphics from the '80s and '90s, and techno-dystopian aesthetics of William Gibson's novels. If you want to mint an artwork into the collection, we strongly advise you to read the first part of this guide. Deeper technical details of the collection are provided in the second part of the article.
First off, I’m not a writer and I’m basically in the middle of getting The Passage ready, so I’ll just skip all that grammar nonsense and do a stream of conscious kind of deal. Feels weird to say the ‘History’ of HERE & NOW, when it’s only been around for 2 years! But here we go buckle up and… ugh cliches already, too soon!
'Gkrint' is a celebration of minimalism colour, and space. Inspired by the timeless principles of Bauhaus design, we used simple geometric shapes to explore the relationship between colour and space using the humble grid, a foundation of generative art, and animation. In doing so, we discovered repetition, fluidity, breaks, and the emergence of unexpected and delightful compositions.
Making White Mountain Winter
Making White Mountain Winter was a labor of love in Winter 2022. A project designed to undo the fading of a memory, and extrapolate a seed of magic into an imagined scene through the use of generative techniques.
Enfantines. Cuaderno de bitácora
// Friday, 28 October 2022 - 10:00 I’ve been teaching P5JS to draw like a child...
Regarding Verdant Brut
Discussing Verdant Brut, its palettes & inspirations, and a way to pack palettes in a terse way.
How to print generative art
An overview of deciding what size to print at, if you can print at that size, and what type of paper you should print onto. With a couple of quick tips on frames, getting higher resolution images and where to find a print studio. This is a text version/transcript of the video you can view here:
The spectrum of nature - a short making of
A quick overview of some main concepts and technical parts of “The spectrum of nature”. With an emphasis on keeping it fun and light.
What is generative art?
A short essay about how generative art sits in the greater context of art, and how it's been shaped through 2021 and 2022 by the blockchain and NFTs.
GPT-3 and me: A generative coding study
The question I had on my mind when starting this process was whether a natural language processing AI like GPT-3 could be creative. One of the avenues that ended up being disappointing was the creation of metaphors and poetry. GPT would combine and rearrange existing metaphors into semi-meaningful sentences, sometimes outright stealing poetry. Unlike DALL.E 2, GPT is only able to generate text and not diffuse/generate images. To circumvent this, I decided to try to make it create generative artworks from the p5js JavaScript library. I knew GPT could create simple code and source it from a large codebase already presents in the training data. What I wanted to see was whether I could push the system to produce something that could be considered “original”. This article follows selected inputs and outputs from the generative art journey between GPT-3 and me, a collaborative article. I have never written a line of Javascript code in my life. (Free mint on my page!)
The First Year of fx(hash): Interview with ciphrd
WTBS is celebrating a year of fxhash with platform founder, and returning guest, ciphrd. Join us as we look back at the 1.0 features, talk about the greater market, and look ahead at what's to come in year two. Interested in fx(params), consumable tokens, and the future of live events? Read the interview below to learn more and, as always, collecting this article is one of the best ways to support the show!
Communities Make the Movement
This 'Movements' essay is republished from the November 5, 2022 bi-weekly TENDER Insights Newsletter distributed only to TENDER Pass holders. Each Newsletter features an essay that is made public a week later, along with a letter from @ajberni, recent artwork highlights, things to catch up on or look forward to, and Proust-ian collector interview. Collect a TENDER Pass to join the Tender discord to get access to the complete Newsletter and all other Pass holder benefits.
Project notes: Coronado
A little about the making of Coronado, the guitar it's named after (but not really about), an appreciation for imperfection and how to work around a blending bug in Chrome.
fx(hash) undercurrents: BINGO, by rudxane
I originally published this article on Medium, December 14, 2021. During that time, the floor price was below 5 tez, so I released my spotlight on BINGO under the title "fx(hash) undercurrents". For today's BINGO first anniversary, I'm bringing this article "home" to fx(hash). I hope you enjoy reading it.
"Absorbed:" A Story of Discovery Told Through Generative Animation
A brief chronicle of the development of "Absorbed," leading British hi-end audio maker KEF's generative art collaboration on fx(hash). To summarize: transforming noise into pattern meant discovering the unexpected and incredible in between.
POEMS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN-- Marginalia as Living Verse
POEMS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN [PITPD] is a brick-and-mortar love letter to reading. Behold the masonry—as told in two parts by Ana María Caballero and Jason Sholl (AKA hieroglyphica).
fx(update) #001
👋 fx(update) is a community newsletter bringing you platform updates, bug fixes, integrations, upcoming product releases, and more. This issue covers upgrades from our recent development cycle, a recap of Live Minting Experiences, new team hires, and a sneak peek at the fxhash 1-year anniversary plans.
"The City" - Making of
So... after almost giving up, previewing thousands and thousands of iterations, and dreaming of hatched buildings for months... @Laxraven and I have finally released our most ambitious collaboration project to date. Here is, illustrated with (very often awful) WIP pictures, a peek into the history of "The City".
Extending a generative token in the hybrid space
‘tur1ng’ consists of audible image architectures based on the principle of Turing machines. These systems are mathematical models of computation that manipulate symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. The following text is an overview of the process on turning a generative token into a physical installation to be placed into real-life environments.
Ode to the PFP (the new frontier)
A short article about where I started in PFPs, but more importantly where I would like the genre to go.
Creative Considerations For Generative Art Collections
A comprehensive compendium of questions and concepts for consideration during the creation, curation and coding of generative collections.
Rayhatching Evolution
I developed an algorithm that performs raytracing/raymarching of SDFs, to produce hatched line art SVG output. This is the story of how I got from not there, to there.
Creating 'September'
In this article, I'll give a brief overview of creating my latest project, September: the inspiration behind it, the early development of the idea, and finalizing all the small details, while sharing lots of work-in-progress images along the way.
Breeding Grounds
Breeding Grounds is inspired by the assumption that both the brain and the cosmic web are very similar in structural design. This can also be found in many other subsystems of the universe, such as Social Networks or molecular clouds. Thereby either biological or physical factors play a role and influence these systems in a certain way which leads to these similarities. Breeding Grounds should not be another fractal algorithm, but more an abstract idea of the topic. Especially since a distinction must be made between fractal systems (self-similar) and those described above (not self-similar). Fractal systems are an important component of the universe, therefore I didn't want to leave them unmentioned at least in a lyrical way.
Landscapes Of Planet Tezon
Tezon is an enormous planet..about three times the size of earth. Tezon has many climates and habitats. There are many landscapes that resemble earth and several unique and diverse landscapes. This issue surveys the land of planet Tezon. The New World plains are the remains of an old battle ground. It is now used as a holding place for prisoners or tribe members who have broken the law. Once sentenced to this land, you can not esacpe even though there are no walls or fencing. A strong magnetic force bounds all who are on the land.
An algorithmic digital painting series
Rococo~ is a generative art algorithm that creates a series of 500 as tokens on the tezos blockchain or infinite amounts of unique artworks inspired by botanics and nature. The algorithm is designed to create art that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
Kinetics by Andrew Mitchell
Kinetics is a neo-constructivist 512 piece generative art project built using p5js. Each Kinetic delicately moves from it’s origin, giving the appearance of infinite space and possibility. The viewer witnesses the construction of the Kinetic floating inside of the negative. Shapes and lines move around the Kinetic in a dazzling display of contrasting color. The collection is viewable at
CYMATIC: Transmuting Vibrations
Erika Weitz and Thomas Noya’s CYMATIC: Patterns of the Pentatonic bridges between generative art and collodion photography, embodying a rich and dynamic interplay between historical and contemporary practices. In collaboration with fxhash, this project is featured at the Paris Photo Fair 2024.
A short story - feel free to take this Passage into my Fx-Universe. I am very happy to have collected all this amazing art over the last couple of months. I found this a fun and different way of showing it off.
E37 - What Merge?
A companion piece to episode 37 of our weekly podcast. Follow along while you listen to the show, and consider purchasing this article to help support the show!
Garden Monolith 101, A Tale of Community
A $40K USD mistake turned into a feel good story about ethics, humanity and strong community on fxhash.
All about that grain
Images in digital art and photography are frequently purposefully perturbed with grainy textures, often intending to evoke a tactile feeling and to add an ounce of ruggedness to an artwork. In this manner, grain is a valuable tool on your generative artist tool belt to elevate your artwork. This article discusses several techniques to achieve grain with p5, texture overlays, SVG filters, and shaders. We’ll discuss each one in great detail and the ups and downsides.
Todemashi Interview
Todemashi is an artist from Italy most known for their fxHash genesis work, "Cuts". We learn more about "Cuts" and some of their other Tezos series including "Gleams" & "vertiCuts". Collectors of this article will receive an original work by Todemashi.
The story behind Mark Knol and the SMOLSKULLs
Today I’d like to share an exciting conversation with Mark Knol. He is one of the most popular artists in the generative art Tezos community, and his Smolskulls can be seen all around this blockchain these days. He has published generative art for a while across multiple platforms - hit et nunc, fxhash, - and his collectors are one of the most vibrant communities out there.
Let's Take a Step Back
My view on where we are now and where we are going with the gen art movement...
Defining and implementing abstractions is more practice than elaboration. Interfaces built through formal languages are shaped by a shared praxis whose consensual lessons are established as standards. The use of such normalised means to create art pieces is hence an intuitive deviation: tools fashioned as means to an end are often used for purposes that appear to be the exact opposite of their raison d’être. Recent technosocial developments have enabled the tentative burgeoning of an economy nurturing these deviant applications. A new wave of the so-called “generative art” milieu is attempting to mobilise both factors of production, capital and labour, to augment the manufacturing of such algorithms. While the nature of each factor is apparently unremarkable, their intersection in this space does yield an idiomatic result. Humans and tools which are engaged in this practice, because they are incentivized to systematically share the outputs of their research, participate in the transformation of both factors and, as such, in their own. The generative art milieu is building an attempt to seize the means of generation.
Ode to Contrapuntos, or Remembrance
Some artworks are still mysteries to me, and Contrapuntos is one of them. It was this piece that made me fall in love with generative art. It was this work that gave me this sparking moment when I came to understand not just intellectually, but at my very soul, how an artist's imagination, algorithms, and randomness play together in generative art to create beauty and meanings. And yet it turned out to be the most challenging piece to describe in writing. As I looked at it, thoughts and words vanished and a sense of joyful silence filled my mind. As much as I wanted to share it, I struggled to find the right words.
Making of Exotic Quarpets
A detailed write-up about my most recent fxhash piece 'Exotic Quarpets': from initial inspiration, to specific implementation details all the way to last minute wrestling with a browser compatibility bug.
Beauty in Code
This ARTKL will be used to document, highlight, and occasionally offer an amateur examination of long form generative art on tezos. Each month will see a new addition to the ARTKL in the form of a revision through updating metadata in the token. Primary buyers will all receive an airdrop of one edition of Mikkel Hartmann's "7 Years of Bad Luck" as well as one NFT certificate of carbon offsets in the form of 10 trees planted. Example can be found at treeoffset.tez's objkt profile (please note - secondary will not receive initial airdrop, but will be eligible for future airdrops if address is holding the token at time of airdrop). All publications will remain in the ARTKL for posterity. The first publication showcases Yazid, and as such, royalties will be split on this token with him. Other artists to be showcased include Ileiv Oivm, Jeffrey Ventrella, Mark Knol, Anna Lucia, mjlindow, Juhani Halkomaki, idlebit, ginzi_o, Ross Goodwin, sableraph, and Mikkel Hartmann.
Building a Bridge of Appreciation to the Future of Creativity
Four events in the summer of 2022 placed fxhash-based generative art in the spotlight, putting the relationship between the legacy art world and generative art community into focus. While large legacy art world institutions (Art Basel, Sotheby's, Christie's) have begun embracing on-chain generative art, the dealer sector remains skeptical. How can a bridge of appreciation be built between these worlds to ensure an inclusive future of creativity?