Project Notes: Glossolalia
Some history on the creation of Glossolalia and how it relates to belief, repression and catharsis.
Project notes: Coronado
A little about the making of Coronado, the guitar it's named after (but not really about), an appreciation for imperfection and how to work around a blending bug in Chrome.
Generative Music - A Brief History and Future
We know that generative art has a rich history, but what of generative music? It too shares a rich history, yet remains a passive subcomponent within generative arts, playing an auxiliary role, or even, occasionally, added to works as an afterthought. Yet I’ve found many examples -- on both Ethereum and Tezos -- where musical elements have become more of the primary focus. Join me as I rifle through some select choices, after offering a bit of history and context to it all.
fx(update) #001
👋 fx(update) is a community newsletter bringing you platform updates, bug fixes, integrations, upcoming product releases, and more. This issue covers upgrades from our recent development cycle, a recap of Live Minting Experiences, new team hires, and a sneak peek at the fxhash 1-year anniversary plans.
Me, Commune, Etc.
An introduction to Ty Vek and their debut project, Commune. Also, some boilerplate code for setting up Vanilla JS projects using SVG.
Rayhatching Evolution
I developed an algorithm that performs raytracing/raymarching of SDFs, to produce hatched line art SVG output. This is the story of how I got from not there, to there.