Collector, curator, publisher
Generative NFT Artist Manifesto
NFTs have enabled a transformation of generative digital art, elevating it from a rudimentary state. The code, written by artists and consisting of functions and formulas, serves as a procedural blueprint or notation. Original artworks, created based on this foundational score, manifest through NFTs. Generative digital art, empowered by NFTs, challenges the traditional concept of a masterpiece's uniqueness, while simultaneously removing the artist's ego from the artwork's apparition. The artist's role is changing again, mirroring the old times when skill was paramount in art creation. However, unlike the ability to draw, this skill now lies in the ability to code, and it is this code that autonomously gives life to the artwork.
For we truly see many things detach and cast off matter, not only from their core, but frequently as well from their surfaces, including colour. And this commonly occurs with awnings—yellow and red and dusky blue coverings—which [...]