fx(text) is here. And it’s bringing a new way to create, share, and own content to fxhash. As the first full-fledged web3 publishing platform on Tezos, we believe fx(text) can change how we document and discuss vital contributions that push art forward. Let’s take a look at the basics of fx(text). Then we’ll explain how the platform is implemented before specifying its pivotal role for fxhash and beyond.
Resilient Networks
This piece is for educative purposes, serving an example of resilience and networks.
Anaver.se native token generators
This article serves as a list of generators yielding anaver.se native tokens to be constinuously updated.
‘Carousel up’ Audiovisual generative and interactive artwork. People-icons selected by the user to live in a micro-community.
GPT-3 and me: A generative coding study
The question I had on my mind when starting this process was whether a natural language processing AI like GPT-3 could be creative. One of the avenues that ended up being disappointing was the creation of metaphors and poetry. GPT would combine and rearrange existing metaphors into semi-meaningful sentences, sometimes outright stealing poetry. Unlike DALL.E 2, GPT is only able to generate text and not diffuse/generate images. To circumvent this, I decided to try to make it create generative artworks from the p5js JavaScript library. I knew GPT could create simple code and source it from a large codebase already presents in the training data. What I wanted to see was whether I could push the system to produce something that could be considered “original”. This article follows selected inputs and outputs from the generative art journey between GPT-3 and me, a collaborative article. I have never written a line of Javascript code in my life. (Free mint on my page!)
fx(update) #001
👋 fx(update) is a community newsletter bringing you platform updates, bug fixes, integrations, upcoming product releases, and more. This issue covers upgrades from our recent development cycle, a recap of Live Minting Experiences, new team hires, and a sneak peek at the fxhash 1-year anniversary plans.
Breeding Grounds
Breeding Grounds is inspired by the assumption that both the brain and the cosmic web are very similar in structural design. This can also be found in many other subsystems of the universe, such as Social Networks or molecular clouds. Thereby either biological or physical factors play a role and influence these systems in a certain way which leads to these similarities. Breeding Grounds should not be another fractal algorithm, but more an abstract idea of the topic. Especially since a distinction must be made between fractal systems (self-similar) and those described above (not self-similar). Fractal systems are an important component of the universe, therefore I didn't want to leave them unmentioned at least in a lyrical way.
Building a Bridge of Appreciation to the Future of Creativity
Four events in the summer of 2022 placed fxhash-based generative art in the spotlight, putting the relationship between the legacy art world and generative art community into focus. While large legacy art world institutions (Art Basel, Sotheby's, Christie's) have begun embracing on-chain generative art, the dealer sector remains skeptical. How can a bridge of appreciation be built between these worlds to ensure an inclusive future of creativity?