Vistas is an exploration in using layers to build an abstracted geometric landscape using a generative algorithm. But in a way that not only creates a digital image but also allows for the creation of an IRL physical artwork made from the 18 layers of laser cut wood.
All mints created in first day will receive a free physical woodcut valued at ~$250. Up to 10% of all other mints may randomly get a free physical as well.
Learn more about physicals:
The canvas for each output may be one of three different orientations, a square, portrait, or landscape. The portrait and landscape orientations create physicals that are 7.5 x 11.5 inches and square orientations create 7.5 x 7.5 inch physicals.
The resulting output is carefully designed so that it can be exploded into discreet layers (Shift-E) and exported as an SVG (Shift-S) so it can be used to laser cut or plot an IRL physical artwork.
A variety of elements are used to construct each unique one of a kind landscape. Sun, moon, sunbeams, stars, clouds, mountains, hills, plains, beaches, fields, water, boats, rocks, trees, and even mysterious obelisks.
Shift - P to export a PNG Shift - E explode the layers Shift - S export a vector SVG
Slide the layers with the arrow keys. Click and drag the mouse to move the light source and adjust the layer shadows.
Add &screws=true to render with screw holes for cutting in order to assemble a physical with chicago screws.
Adjust the size of the output by adding &x=1150 and/or &y=1150 to adjust the physical size of the output where 100 = 1 inch.