What happens when your brain overloads, or when you lose control of your giant robot.
A study on the repetition and stacking of a simple but very dynamic structure.
Everything procedurally generated at runtime. You can find more informations on the piece, its design and origins, here: https://ulucode.com/wp/neural-collapse/
Interactivity : - You can hover your mouse on the connectors to close them... temporarily - Press and hold the mouse button to slightly move the viewpoint.
- Press "a" to increase quality of the antialiasing (3 levels), at the cost of performances. Especially useful on the palettes using outlines. - Export a PNG capture at various resolutions by pressing the number keys 1 to 9 (top row or numpad, and only in live mode, after pressing "open"). Resolutions ranges from 720 to 7680 pixels. I recommend starting with "4".
GPU recommended. Best performances on Chrome in general.