- Nature made everything in human beings different, from face to height, in the way of walking, in composure, not to mention the emotions he feels.
No two hominids are the same. Carving the same stones, Singing the same notes, Praying the same words, Loving the same amount Hating the same hate.
That's how nature made us, that's how we will be, it is believed, until the end,
But only until the end!
Because after the end, we are all the same. All wars in the world are the same. All hunger are equal. All loves equal. After the end, titles, goods, beliefs, become equal.
All creations of nature are equal, in that of starting different, and ending up the same.
Histories have 3 Features; - Biome - Terrain - Humanity
( Read more on https://gendoodler.xyz/histories/ ) by Gen Doodler | twitter.com/GenDoodler