Everyone needs more Liquidity #180

created byLiam Egan

owned byegs5000

created byLiam Egan

owned byegs5000

Everyone needs more Liquidity #180

Project #14080 — iteration #180

Minted on June 8, 2022 at 20:59

Who doesn't?

This piece explores the dynamics of particle physics and liquid in an unbound system. In it, I set up a small space in which a particle system can play, bouncing off obstacles, creating rivers and falls, and responding to various physical constraints.

It is created using a webgl pipeline consisting of, primarily, a GPGPU particle system consisting of 16k particles in motion in real-time. The physics simulation is made possible using a compute shader (not really compute, given webgl, but you get the idea) which records the particles' position, velocity, age, and data to a texture for use by the point program. Each particle is rendered as a semi-transparent radial gradient, adding up to a distance field that is used to render the liquid.

Licensing: CC-BY-NC-ND see LICENCE.md for details

Minted Price5 TEZCreator
Liam Egan
Jonas Bo
Lower is rarer
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