This work is a continuation of 'The triangle balance', it uses an evolution of this project that I decided to discard.
The program is initialized by determining a grid and three colors located at 120 degrees from each other on a color wheel.
For each cell, one of these three colors and a direction (0, 90, 180, 270°) will determine the diffusion of particles. To these conditions will be added two constraints, a texture (Perlin noise) and a magnetism of the sides of the cells of the grid that will slow down and deflect the particles.
The purpose of this project is to create an explosion of colors partially controlled, these colors will multiply between them between each cell to create new variations. The grid that seals the composition reveals the contours of the cells from which the drops of paint are emitted. This makes it possible to highlight the determinism of the protocol.
Keyboard controls
[d] Download a capture of the sketch at the current size (the default size is 1000px).
[2][3][4] change the scale and redraw the drawing to a size of 2000px, 3000px or 4000px in width and height respectively (point positions may vary a bit).
[a] redraw the sketch point by point.
Url parameters
You can change scale and mode by passing parameters in the URL, scale=1|2|3|4 will change the resolution and isAnimated=1 will launch the sketch in the animation mode (You have to prefix these parameters with ? or & if you use both scale and isAnimated).