99 TEZ

Project #13815 — iteration #62

Minted on May 30, 2022 at 18:40

'Murals' is a collection of 256 abstract compositions born out of an intense period diving deeply into street art, pointillism and the inner workings of neural networks.

The work explores projection, refraction and abstraction of points as they ripple through multi-dimensional space-time. Points refract through multi-dimensional space to become shapes, which then become coordinate systems for the projections of new points that create a sense of form, texture, lighting, and material properties.

The work is also a celebration of imperfections and how a combination of many tiny – almost individually imperceptibly small – imperfect details can shape our perceptions of form, materiality, mood. This is explored within this work through subtle uses of sprays, flecks, scuffs, cuts, grain, targets (projections of projections), construction lines, base projections, occasional glitches that cause curvature, bounced light, shadows, and more.


15 colour palettes:
Scream, Night Bus, Double Backflip, Jaws, Sunday, Atom, Space, Tipex,
Graphite, Leaf, Earth, Bubble Gum, Citrus, Jellyfish, Damp Concrete.

4 times of day (that create subtle changes in light colour):
Daylight, Winter Morning, Midnight, Sunset

2 Border types:
Normal, Thin

Various features that subtly impact appearance surface textures and shard forms:
Metallic, Engrave, Number of Shards, Scuff Marks, Symmetry.

- Press [ S ] to save the work at its current image size as a PNG.
- Press [ 1 ] to set the image size to 1440 x 1944 pixels (default size)
- Press [ 2 ] to set the image size to 2880 x 3888 pixels
- Press [ 3 ] to set the image size to 4320 x 5832 pixels

- Press [ F ] to toggle freeform mode to create custom image sizes and aspect ratios
- Press [ R ] to reload the image (for use in freeform mode)

This work has been tested on Chrome and Safari on Mac OS, and also using an Android smartphone. Please make sure that it works on your device before minting. Based on testing (in May 2022), each work should take about 5-10 seconds to fully load on a laptop or desktop machine, and 15-20 seconds on a mobile device. The loading process is animated so you can watch the construction the static artwork during this time.

This artwork is created with p5.js

@nbswwit, 2022

Minted Price16 TEZCreator
pale kirill
Lower is rarer
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