Points fill in shapes on a warped noise field. The resulting images range from soft water colors to distorted, pixelated CRT screens.
The image is drawn at 3000x3000px and scaled to the browser size.
Viewing in desktop Chrome is recommended for the best results. Press ’s’ to save a screenshot. Image size is 3000x3000px Press ’p’ to pause/resume.
Features: - Two palette sets - Light or dark background - 70% color image, 30% monochrome - Various combinations of circles and rectangles - All rectangles - 7 types of shapes: random circles, packed circles, checkerboard, orbs, ring, spiral, checkerboard and orbs - Rectangles snap to a grid - Fuzzy lines connected groups of drawing points - Fuzzy lines around the dots - Bright border on the shapes
Rare - 9% to have a soft monochrome and color palette
Copyright (c) 2022 Matt Perkins, hello@mattperkins.me, @nudoru on Twitter. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.