In full screen view, after animation is ended, click on the graphic to download plottable SVG.
Feature list: - Color scheme: monochromatic, `cmy(k), my (magenta-yelow), dark-gold, or dark-white - Fill pens: either Stabilo Point fineliner numbers or UniBall Signo white or gold (but you can use gel pens of your choice!) - Stroke pen: same as above - Cell size - Min. cell padding - Stroke rotation - true/false - Fill rotation - true/false
If you have a pen plotter, you can jump straight into making a physical drawing. Please be aware, that physical plot will differ from the digital version due to the pen and paper color differences.
In Inkscape, just align the graphic to A3 size.
If you don't own a plotter or you want a regular print, simply convert your SVG to raster format.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 - @jakub_antolak