Project #25527 — iteration #4

Minted on March 3, 2023 at 13:06


Use your computer keyboard to play the synth and more:

[w e t y/z u] - black keys
[a s d f g h j k] - white keys
[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] - drum pads (when applicable)
[c] - octave up
[x] - octave down
[m] - toggle verbose mode on/off
[n] - save PNG image
[q] - recording start/stop/save (experimental feature - see below)
[i] - toggle background spectro on/off
[p] - toggle logo and synth name on/off
[b] - metronome bpm up (when applicable)
[v] - metronome bpm down (when applicable)


Click and drag on different controllers with your mouse to change different sound parameters. Tip: toggle verbose mode on to see what parameter is connected to the controller.

Available controller types:
knob, drum pad, fader, modwheel, XY, thumbstick, arrow, toggle

Parameters to explore (non-exhaustive list)
- fx: delay, distortion, filter, reverb
- amplitude and frequency modulation
- ADSR envelope shaping
- oscillator specific parameters
- and many more


IMPORTANT NOTES (known bugs, disclaimers and stuff)

- This is an ART project in the first place and so it is not intented to be a professional tool or musical instrument in any way, thus please treat it accordingly.
- The project uses WebAudio technology, which can be CPU and/or memory-intensive in some cases. Also, browsers may implement it differently, so if you run into bad sound problems (lagging, clipping, extreme distorion etc.) please try another browser or a computer with dedicated sound card if possible. (Created and constantly tested in Safari and Chrome on a 2015 MacBook Pro and 2016 iMac respectively).
- Sometimes these bad sound problems also occur when your computer audio output is changed on the fly (putting in or pulling out headphones for example). Please restart your browser in this case.
- Sound recording doesn't always work consistently, causing the recorded file may won't be saved. It is probably a bug I couldn't figure out yet, so this feature should be treated as experimental. If this happens, please reload/restart your browser and try again.
- The project is fully coded. No additional image or audio resource is used to create the final result.
- Just have fun and be creative :)


Created with P5.js and P5.sound and using Chirag Mehta's excellent ntc.js (Name that Color Javascript) library.


cloudnoise © 2023

Minted Price60 TEZCreator
Lower is rarer
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