Project #25205 — iteration #313

Minted on February 17, 2023 at 18:23

Type-o-Graphic embraces the ethos of David Carson's groundbreaking graphic design work. It explores the intersections of typography, design, art and chance, harnessing the power of randomness to create a series of posters that are a frenetic celebration of typographic chaos.

This collection is intended to be customized and printed. Your initial thumbnail output is only the beginning — several parameters are changeable to find a combination and format to your liking. Please use the keys below to explore the thousands of possible variations within each piece.

B - Toggle border
N - Change border colour
K - Change background colour (if visible)
T - Toggle top finish (if applicable)
Up/Down - Change colour palette (43)
Left/Right - Change blend modes (20)
L - Change to Landscape
P - Change to Portrait
S - Save image

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Change resolution of image
0 - 600 x 900 - (low-res)
1 - 1200 x 1800 - 4x6" @ 300dpi - (default)
2 - 2400 x 3600 - 8x12" @ 300dpi
3 - 3600 x 5400 – 12x18" @ 300dpi
4 - 4800 x 7200 - 16x24" @ 300dpi
5 - 7200 x 10800 - 24x36" @ 300dpi

See accompanying article for more info:

Created with p5js by fauxjebus in 2023
Follow me on twitter or instagram @fauxjebus

Minted Price3 TEZCreator
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Type-o-Graphic #313 preview


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