"Modulacions 3: Cubes" is the third piece of the series 'Modulacions' (modulations).
-NOTE: Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated. (click to start)
-modulation with an oscillator (carrier) with an LFO (modulator).
-The output sound is visualized inside a cube (using 5 of the 6 planes of a cube)
-3 types of modulations: FM, AM and noise-AM.
-From 4 to 12 modulations.
-11 possible visualizations.
-5 possible visualizations-plane combinations
-all parameters are ramdomly assigned. Not all parameters changes from one modulation to the next one.
"numModulations": number of diferent modulations "darkMode": dark mode (true or false) "modulations": number of different modulations 1-3 (fm, am and noise) "carrierWaves": number of different waveforms for the carrier 1-4 (sine, square, triangle and sawtooth) "modulatorWaves": number of different waveforms for the modulator 1-4 (sine, square, triangle and sawtooth), "visuals": number of different visual patterns 1-11. "distVisuals": number of different visual combinations 1-5.