"Disordered loom" continues my exploration on texture, points, lines and noise, now in a grid within a grid. With the 'r' key you can toggle between an ordered and disordered loom, the disorder is created by an assigned subset of 4 sets of rotations. With the 't' key you can toggle translation, an additional movement is added/subtracted. With the 'e' key you can toggle more entropy.
You can further self-curate your token by clicking the canvas, colours change with each click, with the 'c' key you can remove a colour, you can press 'c' until two colours remain, with the 'v' key you can reset colours.
With the 'm' key you can mix all possible textures, press 'm' again to switch to your assigned texture.
With the '+'/'-' keys you can alter the grain, "Disordered loom" implements the p5.grain addon.
Press 'e' to toggle entropy Press 'r' to toggle between ordered/disordered loom Press 't' to toggle translation Press 'm' for mixed textures mode Press 'c' to remove a color Press 'v' to reset colors Press '+'/'-' to alter the grain Press 's' to save a png image Press 'j' to save a jpg image Press 'x' to save a higher resolution png