The center of a digital, quantified space emits 2 560 000 particles through a sequence of expansions, contractions and perturbations. ๐
Once formed, the evolution of the Univercell can be observed through a series of animations in the manner of a documentary. ๐ฅ
Each Univercell is a unique random and deterministic composition. ๐ฎ
(Click โopenโ and go fullscreen for best experience !)
----- * Mint preview *
Minter will get a 1920x1920 PNG bitmap and an infinite animation.
----- * Technics *
This experience is designed to be executed on a recent GPU (>2016) and displayed on 16/9 screens from FHD to 8K+ (1920x1080 โ 7680x4320) at 60FPS for infinite duration.
The physics algorithms take around 20 seconds to generate one Univercell. During generation, a progress indication in percentage is displayed.
- JavaScript / ThreeJS / WebGL - Unique generative and determinist animation (animation is seeded by the fxhash mint hash) - Unlimited duration (no loop) / 6 documentary animations - 20 seconds internal algorithm variations
----- * Controls *
Keyboard "Space" : take a PNG capture of the current view frame (same ratio as window, max 1920x1080)
โ Empiric mode (empiric=on / see URL modifiers below) Wheel/pinch : zoom in/out to observe the Univercell on different scales Right click + drag : move the observation area Keyboard "R" : enable automatic rotation of view
----- * URL modifiers *
"&empiric=on" Turn off animations and display a Univercell that can be manually explored.
"&demo=on" Reduce the cinematics duration to 5 seconds. Allows faster cycling through documentary phases.