A voxel is a unit of graphic information that defines a point in three-dimensional space.
rubikVoxels is a return to the realm of 3D computer graphics. I define a 3D object, a cube, and construct a number of cube instances into an array that floats in 3D space. Each cube consists of 6 faces, each facet colored one of the 6 "official" colors of the Rubik's Cube (TM) palette. Hence, each cube (voxel) represents a solved Rubiks Cube (TM) puzzle.
I use a combination of functions to control the rotation of each cube in its relative position in the array. As each cube is rotated you can see its various colored faces. I maintain the cubes' proper visibility by eliminating the facets of the cube that face away from the viewer, i.e., back face culling.
To quote my collaborator and friend Chris Scussel: "I just LOVE the secondary patterns created by the gradual turning of the cubes! The curves appear and disappear as one looks around the image. Interesting and fun!"