Project #20129 — iteration #31
Minted on October 7, 2022 at 16:15We are constantly warring, often times with ourselves, sometimes with others, but mostly with what we even don't know. This needs to stop, and it shall stop by the following terms:
I. We shall never accept wins, depending on others' losses.
II. We shall never accept life, sucked out of others' deaths.
III. We shall never accept prosperity, originated from others' poverty.
IV. We shall never accept happiness, sourced from others' misery.
V. We shall never accept civilization, built upon others' devastation.
Signed I I · · I I
* * *
U: Hide Sun
D: Hide Tag
G: Hide Grain
S: Save PNG
1: Save in 800 x 1200
2: Save in 1600 x 2400
Made by: yenren /
License: LICENSE.txt
I. We shall never accept wins, depending on others' losses.
II. We shall never accept life, sucked out of others' deaths.
III. We shall never accept prosperity, originated from others' poverty.
IV. We shall never accept happiness, sourced from others' misery.
V. We shall never accept civilization, built upon others' devastation.
Signed I I · · I I
* * *
U: Hide Sun
D: Hide Tag
G: Hide Grain
S: Save PNG
1: Save in 800 x 1200
2: Save in 1600 x 2400
Made by: yenren /
License: LICENSE.txt
metadata was signed by fxhash