"Mounds 3" is part of an ongoing series of experiments combining hand-drawn "mounds" and turning them into something unexpected. The p5.js sketch has up to 172 different "mound" illustrations to pick from to build the scene. Please be patient. It will take a few seconds for the scene to render; a lot is going on under the hood. The sketch will load in layers, and the console will log "Done rendering!" when the whole scene is done loading. This token was handmade with pens, markers, ink, and p5.js. I drew these squiggles between August 29th - September 6th, 2022, with a combination of pens, markers, and brushes in various sketchbooks. The sketches are scanned and separated in Photoshop.
I hope you enjoy this mint as much as I did making it! See https://natenolting.com/2022/09/06/mounds-3/ for more details on this project.
Export to a PNG format at several different sizes. - Press s: save the current render size - Press t: scale to screen size - Press f: scale to print size @ 3000px x 3000px