Project #18133 — iteration #74
Minted on August 17, 2022 at 14:00
Flower arrangement made by code.
Possible features:
- Style: Natural, Oval, Triangular, Grassy
- Orientation: Square, Portrait, Landscape
- Palette: White, Cream, Tan, Pink, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange
- Primary flower: Mix, Gerbera, Gerbera 2, Dahlia, Dahlia 2, Spiky, Unknown
- Primary color: Random, Light, Dark
- Secondary color: Random, Light, Dark
- Vase shape: Cylinder, Tumbler, Round, Curve
- Dish: true, false
- Table: true, false
- Texture: true, false
Live view options:
- Press "s" key: Saves the high resolution image (3300 x 3300 for square, 4200 x 3300 for portrait, 3300 x 4200 for landscape)
Depending on the device you run it on, it may take some time for the drawing to complete.
Best viewed in larger window size.
Made with p5js.
August 2022