A generator of evocative realtime fast evolving blobs microbiome with exploding/imploding bubbles, squares and multi-color palettes. All systems are near unique due to the multiple random parameters, some are rarer than others.
WARNING: Webgl/GPU preferred up to 8K resolution, runs on CPU/Mobile but much slower/laggy.
DISCLAIMER: If unfortunately, your microbiome goes all white or shows nothing, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll mint a new one and transfer it to you (or refund).
Controls: - H: hide/show help. - Dbl-Click - Space: start/pause animation for snapshots. - Q/A - D: resolution down/up (720p, 1080p, 2K, 4K, 8K). - R: restart animation from scratch. - I: hide/show info panel. Click for panels (info, FPS).
ÜberBlobs @naibdian 2021 using Opensource WebGL, ReactJS, ThreeJS libs.