Painting Color Combinations #004 #42

created byPointiago

owned byMakk Lawrence

created byPointiago

owned byMakk Lawrence

Painting Color Combinations #004 #42

Project #4072 — iteration #42

Minted on December 23, 2021 at 04:09

This is a Artwork metaphorical effect of the Earth's rotation, the color scheme creates an extraterrestrial sense as if we were facing a colorful spaceship.

This work is produced in three sizes: Small, Medium and Large with 10 color palettes.

With each purchase, the buyer will have a painting with a unique design, the color of which is taken from one of the 10 selected palettes. Also, the size of the Artwork and the distances between the circles will be different in each purchase.


Size => 3
Margin => 20
Color Pallet => 10


Artist: Pointiago
Twitter: @Pointiago

Minted Price3 TEZCreator
Makk Lawrence
Lower is rarer
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