--- « Wavelength persistence » is presented at the occasion of the interactive minting experience at NFT Show Europe, Valencia — July 2023 ---
A photon travels for 100000 years inside the Sun before reaching its surface. Then it only takes 8 minutes to reach the Earth.
If time ceases to exist for those who travel at the speed of light, how do they remember the journey ?
----- * What/How *
LIVE : A system of 2.56 million particles are subjected to invisible forces CAPTURE : A view on the travel of 8.5 million particles through spacetime
----- * Mint preview / Capture *
Minter will get both - a randomly deterministic infinite generative animation - a 4K PNG (2160 x 2160 px bitmap)
----- * Technics *
This experience is designed to run on a recent GPU (>2016) and displayed on square or rectangle screens from FHD to 8K+ (1920x1080 → 7680x4320) at 60FPS for infinite duration.
- Code written in JavaScript / WebGL / GLSL shaders - Uses ThreeJS, Culori and custom libraries - Unique, random, deterministic, infinite generative animation - Animation sequences last for 30, 45 or 60 seconds
----- * Controls *
Keyboard “X” : activate next tableau
Keyboard "Space" : take a PNG capture of the current view (1080x1080 px) — 3 captures by session
----- @HAL09999 – July 14th, 2023 https://danslesnuages.xyz/about https://twitter.com/HAL09999 https://instagram.com/hal09999