Embark for a journey through the vastness of aesthetic spaces.
An audiovisual algorithmic composition experimenting with colorful shapes, stellar objects, noise and multiple delays.
// Open fullscreen for best visual experience // Use headphones or large speakers for best musical experience
----- * What/How *
LIVE : An audiovisual experience containing colorful shapes and 1.5 millions stellar objects. 4 different random musical compositions are played successively in combination with randomness-assisted visual compositions. CAPTURE : A static digital painting of the generated universe
----- * Mint preview / Capture *
Minter will get both - a generative audiovisual composition - a 4K PNG (3840 x 2160 px 24bits bitmap)
----- * Technics *
! WARNING: The audiovisual experience is designed for powerful computers ! ! WARNING: WebAudio is not working good on low-power devices ! ! OPEN FULLSCREEN for best experience !
This experience is designed to run fullscreen on a recent GPU (>2016) and displayed on landscape rectangle screens from 1920x1080 px resolution or more.
A stereo sound reproduction device capable of emitting low frequencies is preferred.
Code written in JavaScript / WebGL / GLSL shaders Uses ThreeJS and Tone.js libraries
----- * Controls *
Keyboard "Space" : take a PNG capture of the current view (1920x1080px)
----- @HAL09999 – December 6th, 2023 https://danslesnuages.xyz/about https://twitter.com/HAL09999 https://instagram.com/hal09999