Pottery stands as one of humanity's earliest and most enduring inventions, a testament to our innate desire to craft and create. This project explores the timeless art of pottery through the lens of interactive generative art. In this artwork powered by fxhash, virtual ceramics, shaped by diverse artistic hands, come to life and are shared with the world.
This interactive pottery sim was written from scratch using vanilla JS and webgl shaders. A range of parameters are included to control the final scene and image via the fx params interface.
This artwork is part of the fxhackathon 2023 where artists were challenged to create projects using the interactive fx(params) system.
Standalone Controls
Use mouse or touch to control view 1 - Toggle Edit Mode 2 - Toggle WASD Free Cam 3 - Toggle Frame 4 - Save HD Image
Code and Outputs are Copyright 2023 Frank Force Hash without Sine - MIT License - Copyright (c)2014 David Hoskins Thank you to Inigo Quilez for 3D rendering articles and demos