-100% code generated (no images or sounds preloaded)
-'Click' to START/pause.
-Save current frame to PNG-> press 'S' or drag 2 fingers on upper half.
-Save 2 s. animation to GIF-> press 'G' or or drag 2 fingers on lower half.
-All audio stuff is done with WebPd.
-All visual is done with hydra and p5js.
-Chrome browser recommended.
-Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.
-Supply can be halved/reduced and/or the price can be raised (never lowered) if all iterations have not been minted (every 24h aprox).
-An audiovisual piece based on randomly generated patterns. These patterns generate endless unique pieces of electronic music (and their corresponding visuals).
-In each cycle there can be changes to many of the parameters of the patterns, thus generating changes to the piece in an infinite way.
-Fit to screen: the generated visual is a square image. You can fit (scale) this square to the browser window size.
-Grid Size: number of cols/rows for output visualization. More than 48x48 can run very slow in some devices.