Strands of memory are twisted and entangled with each other, blending in and out with the surrounding fog of chaos. Each strand, like a thread of a tapestry, weaves a narrative of the self that is inseparable from the whole. Walking through a thick confusion, you see a solitary slice of the self in each iteration.
Created in, "Now There’s None of You Left" is made from layers of randomly generated transparent shapes and various noise textures that are then distorted with a combination of Perlin and Simplex noise. The distortion is also built up in multiple layers, making the shapes sometimes overlay or coil over each other. All these layers of shapes, textures, noises, and distortions create a complex composition that illustrates distorted memories and eroded mind. The resulting scene can look tranquil, sometimes violent, sometimes almost empty. Strands of memory, tendrils of emotions, all brewing in the broth of forgetfulness. And in the midst of this dense confusion, you pray to find a glimpse of clarity. Are you still you, or are you me?
[1] Set resolution to 716 x 1024 (default)
[2] Set resolution to 1433 x 2048
[3] Set resolution to 2688 x 3840
* The presets above are suitable for screen viewing up to 4k screen resolution. To set a custom resolution for printing and other purpose, add &res=[desired resolution] at the end of the URL. It will set the height of the image, and the width will be calculated automatically at 0.7 ratio. For example, to get a resolution of 4911 x 7016px (about the size of A2 paper), add &res=7016 as URL parameter.
[c] Capture a screenshot at rendered resolution in live view
Note: There might be a very slight difference in the minor details between live view and the preview image rendered by fxhash engine. This discrepancy won't appear when you capture a screenshot using the built-in keyboard shortcut.