Project #0x875955a1Ff7096B90FC811F2309D628E86d54A74 — iteration #40

Minted on June 3, 2024 at 17:28
Prerendered components

bombing tonight p2

maybe hate
is the most dangerous drug and poison in the world

dont take it personal, sometimes it could be a trap

this is an animated work - best running i guess at full-screen

free weekend
and an oldskool fxhash weekend surprise drop
fresh and raw on the market this week. enjoy
when ppl are sleepin, family-time and do stuff they like doing i hope
a new week and future ahead, and some bonus sleepy time

fxhash n crew thx for the backup and support

extra options

add at the end of the url:
&xxx=true (or use ?xxx=true at start-url params and pass)
saves the image at startup default as 2024x2024 love me .png - also the first snapshot moment -
set workingscreen to 4096x4096
set workingscreen to 2048x2048

c key - a 50% chance .. that the arrow cursor goes invisible
s key - save image love me .png

the default work-and screensize is be based around the screensize of your device
so it can adapt and scale to bigger sizes in the future.. although could not test yet, on the really big ones .=

i also started to mix with and balance with palettes again on this one,
some new and old palettes and mix, and some older shoutout palette's to macintosh and ganbrood =_______=

pre-rendered components - old pixelfont of mine included yo

[vanilla javascript custom fresh2d3d bitmap drawing engine 'n exploration going wild]
xxx amsterdam tribes and fam'n dogs chill'n out =______=

Minted Price0.0001 ETH (Base)Creator
Elout de Kok
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bombing tonight p2 #40 preview


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