DOM2 explores ratios, rhythm and repetition as compositional methods. The title refers to the Document Object Model, the main material of contemporary interfaces and digital infrastructure. An infinite document is composed from basic HTML elements and animated by generative audio. It is a realtime interaction of two programs: Visuals by Leander Herzog and audio by Milian Mori. Their collaboration started in 2021 and led to DOM1, published 2023 on fxhash with and HEK (House of Electronic Arts) in Basel.
DOM2 is an ongoing search for style by shaping random number distributions with curated sets of specific values. It is a continuation of previous work like DOM1, Heatsink, Agglo and Imi. The composition emerges from the technical context: Width of the viewport, font-size and content. DOM2 uses the layout engine of the browser, which offers not only text wrapping, but also two dimensional layouts in grids. Its repetition and ratios evolve over time, in a space that is dynamic and vertically unlimited.