Leonardo Solaas

Pinball Geometry

Leonardo Solaas

Pinball Geometry


55/240 minted

open marketplace

Project #28430

Published on
Custom UI

This work is based on an extension of the classical Voronoi partition algorithm. There is a set of nodes moving through the canvas, with colors assigned to them. Each pixel in the image computes its own color, as a weighted average of the n-closest nodes.

Collectors are co-creators in this work. They can choose palette, the range of nodes considered for the color mix, and noise modifiers. They can also create nodes (up to 12) and set their position, velocity, and color, either freely or snapping them to a grid. This opens an unlimited space of possibilities for static or dynamic compositions.

Keyboard controls:
[SPACE] to play/pause
[r] to restart the animation
[f] to toggle fullscreen
[s] to download capture

Made with p5.js and chroma.js
Pinball Geometry is part of the fxhackathon 2023: co-creation interfaces.

Minting Instructions
* Click and drag on the canvas to create nodes – as many as you want, up to 12.
* Use the button on the top right to pause or resume the animation.
* When paused, you can drag the nodes to new positions or change their velocity with the blue knob. Click the second button to enable snapping to a grid.
* When playing, click the second button to hide / show node markers.
* In the list of nodes to the right of the canvas, select one to change its color (drag the palette) or remove it (click the cross).
* Use the “From” and “Range” parameters to set which nodes, from the closest to the farthest, will be considered to calculate the color for each pixel.
* Use the “Base speed” slider to slow down or speed up the animation.
* Use “Noise level” and “Noise scale” to tweak the distance calculations and warp the geometry.
* Press “Refresh” to commit changes before minting

Price6 TEZMinting opensTicket Grace Period12 days(1)Royalties12.0%(1)Tags





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