Pinball Geometry

by Leonardo Solaas

How to use fx(params)

Example seed



Minting instructions

* Click and drag on the canvas to create nodes – as many as you want, up to 12.
* Use the button on the top right to pause or resume the animation.
* When paused, you can drag the nodes to new positions or change their velocity with the blue knob. Click the second button to enable snapping to a grid.
* When playing, click the second button to hide / show node markers.
* In the list of nodes to the right of the canvas, select one to change its color (drag the palette) or remove it (click the cross).
* Use the “From” and “Range” parameters to set which nodes, from the closest to the farthest, will be considered to calculate the color for each pixel.
* Use the “Base speed” slider to slow down or speed up the animation.
* Use “Noise level” and “Noise scale” to tweak the distance calculations and warp the geometry.
* Press “Refresh” to commit changes before minting
