
Cube : première étude


Cube : première étude


64/64 minted

Project #27855

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This work represents a study of the cube and its representation that I undertook to understand the workings of p5.js and JavaScript programming. This project, initiated this spring, allowed me to delve into various mechanics and approaches. Today, I am concluding this inaugural study on the cube and publishing it on fxhash, with the aim of sharing it and enabling others to play around with the parameters that make it up.

Thanking each individual who has contributed to this project, whether intentionally or otherwise, would be a lengthy task, and I risk forgetting someone. Therefore, a huge thanks goes out to the community here and on OpenProcessing for their ongoing exchange of advice and knowledge.

While the code remains riddled with errors, I won't be progressing further with this initial project. This will presumably allow me to avoid overworking on subsequent projects. :-)

made with p5js, p5.grain and chroma.js
on Openprocessing https://openprocessing.org/sketch/1962145

Minting Instructions
As it's a study around Cubes, a lot of parameters is activated. DO NOT USE RANDOM PARAMS as it would conclude sometimes to simply crash your browser. Some parameters would be exponential between us like "Cubes: Quantity" and "Cubes: Hard Layer"

|Aspect Ratio => define the canvas aspect ratio
|Structure mode => select a placement model for your cubes
|Radius Star model => only impact the "Star" model selected upper test it with low number and modifier deactivated
|Cubes: Quantity => define the number of cubes - for example 32 = 32 x 32
|Cubes: Hard Layer => force new layer of cubes
|Cubes: Color Scheme => Color scheme to apply. The palette is related to your seed and cannot be controlled directly
|Cubes: Noise Scale => Perlin parameter of the Cubes generation
|Cubes: Noise Amplitude => Perlin noise parameter amplitude
|Cubes: with roundness => Draw a rounded cube
|Cubes: with squareness => Draw a standard cube
|!! if both are deactivated, no cubes will be drawn, only the related effect could be drawn
|Cubes: no stroke => Deactivate stroke (default stroke is black)
|Cubes: colored stroke => Activate a white palette for the stroke color
|Cubes: light shadow => Modify the lines on the cubes faces
|Move: Bye bye => Strong translate, could be interesting with multiple layers to display cubes from anothe axis
|Move: Vague => Add a big vague movement on the cubes drawing
|Move: Seisme => Add a hearthquake effect on the cubes
|Add: Cube relations => Draw lines between cubes in drawn order
|Add: Lines => Draw random lines from cubes borders
|Add: Circles => Draw random circles from cubes position
|Add: Rectangles => Draw random rectangles from cubes position
|Add: Density => Less or more lines, circles and/or rectangles
|Size: Big Randomness => Bigger random cubes size (more than 1.0)
|Size: Small Randomness => Smaller random cubes size (less than 1.0)
|Size: Cube size => Modify cubes size to the new factor deactivated if Randomness is activated
|Repeat: Frag Image => A simple rosace with a createGraphic source
|Repeat: Image size => Image size extracted from the createGraphic
|Repeat: Image radius => Radius of the rosace
|Repeat: Image alpha => Alpha of the rosace
|Repeat: Image on bg => Insert the createGraphic image over the background
|Border Style => Border style of the canvas - none is an option
|Border Size => Border size (what else..)
|Background Style => Multiple style for the background. Dark, Light and Colors are unified. If Clouds serie is selected it will slow the display
|Background Grain => Grain density on the background only
|Gradiant axis => if Gradient is set as background, define axis (X,Y) or radial (R)

Key functions
** deactivated during rendering **
Save with pixelDensity: "1,2,3,4,.." (will generate the artwork with requested pd and save it as png)
Save as jpeg: "J" (with actual pd)
Save as is: "S" (with actual pd)

PriceDutch auction TEZ 5->4->3changes every 1 hourAuction startsTicket Grace Period7 days(2)Royalties15.0%(1)Tags





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