As it's a study around Cubes, a lot of parameters is activated. DO NOT USE RANDOM PARAMS as it would conclude sometimes to simply crash your browser. Some parameters would be exponential between us like "Cubes: Quantity" and "Cubes: Hard Layer"
|Aspect Ratio => define the canvas aspect ratio
|Structure mode => select a placement model for your cubes
|Radius Star model => only impact the "Star" model selected upper test it with low number and modifier deactivated
|Cubes: Quantity => define the number of cubes - for example 32 = 32 x 32
|Cubes: Hard Layer => force new layer of cubes
|Cubes: Color Scheme => Color scheme to apply. The palette is related to your seed and cannot be controlled directly
|Cubes: Noise Scale => Perlin parameter of the Cubes generation
|Cubes: Noise Amplitude => Perlin noise parameter amplitude
|Cubes: with roundness => Draw a rounded cube
|Cubes: with squareness => Draw a standard cube
|!! if both are deactivated, no cubes will be drawn, only the related effect could be drawn
|Cubes: no stroke => Deactivate stroke (default stroke is black)
|Cubes: colored stroke => Activate a white palette for the stroke color
|Cubes: light shadow => Modify the lines on the cubes faces
|Move: Bye bye => Strong translate, could be interesting with multiple layers to display cubes from anothe axis
|Move: Vague => Add a big vague movement on the cubes drawing
|Move: Seisme => Add a hearthquake effect on the cubes
|Add: Cube relations => Draw lines between cubes in drawn order
|Add: Lines => Draw random lines from cubes borders
|Add: Circles => Draw random circles from cubes position
|Add: Rectangles => Draw random rectangles from cubes position
|Add: Density => Less or more lines, circles and/or rectangles
|Size: Big Randomness => Bigger random cubes size (more than 1.0)
|Size: Small Randomness => Smaller random cubes size (less than 1.0)
|Size: Cube size => Modify cubes size to the new factor deactivated if Randomness is activated
|Repeat: Frag Image => A simple rosace with a createGraphic source
|Repeat: Image size => Image size extracted from the createGraphic
|Repeat: Image radius => Radius of the rosace
|Repeat: Image alpha => Alpha of the rosace
|Repeat: Image on bg => Insert the createGraphic image over the background
|Border Style => Border style of the canvas - none is an option
|Border Size => Border size (what else..)
|Background Style => Multiple style for the background. Dark, Light and Colors are unified. If Clouds serie is selected it will slow the display
|Background Grain => Grain density on the background only
|Gradiant axis => if Gradient is set as background, define axis (X,Y) or radial (R)
Key functions
** deactivated during rendering **
Save with pixelDensity: "1,2,3,4,.." (will generate the artwork with requested pd and save it as png)
Save as jpeg: "J" (with actual pd)
Save as is: "S" (with actual pd)