Imaginary Resonances #229

created bySam Tsao

owned byzobele.tez

created bySam Tsao

owned byzobele.tez

Imaginary Resonances #229

Project #1882 — iteration #229

Minted on December 1, 2021 at 09:01

Some people describe creative coding as 'Computer Magick' and I agree, there is some degree of mysticism involved. Taking a physical phenomena and distorting it so that is no longer real is what Imaginary Resonances is about.

There is a surface and sand is dropped on it. The surface vibrates and ushers the sand into patterns. What kind of sound could have made the surface vibrate like that?

The algorithm behind Imaginary Resonances is simple variation on Chladni figures: figures that arise when sand is dropped on a vibrating surface.

Made by Sam Tsao (@sam___tsao) with p5

Minted Price2.5 TEZCreator
Sam Tsao
Lower is rarer
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