Project #12481 — iteration #56

Minted on June 23, 2022 at 22:36

Scorch and tear this darkness inbued canvas with raycasted lasers.

This one is a pretty obscure project of mine, I just love the way those rays pierce through the darkness with some pixel-bound imperfections that can sometimes generate refraction.
(best consumed in a dark environment or surrounding frame)

12 kinds of solid darkness patterns:
- Pebbles
- Sparse
- Bars
- Structure
- Clouds
- Dotgrid
- Globuli
- FX
- Dashes
- Flowers
- Concentrism
- Sines

6 kinds of light sources (with variations):
- Points
- Line
- Drips
- Laser
- Scan

during each frame 128 rays are casted and bounce 64 times

made with vanilla js (no shaders, just 2 canvases and trigonometry)

Click to show the generation progress in you browser's console
Click when the rendering has ended to add an other pass!

Minted Price6 TEZCreator
Lower is rarer
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