ppppplaying.cccccards: POKER #169

created bynot jjjjjohn

owned bycaked

created bynot jjjjjohn

owned bycaked

ppppplaying.cccccards: POKER #169

Project #15036 — iteration #169

Minted on June 18, 2022 at 02:16
Image composition

Last week John Karel and Mark Knol drop an epic collaboration that shook the Tezos network. 2500 edition of playing.cccccards. which then inspired me to do something with these playing cards. This time we will play: POKER!

ppppplaying.cccccards: POKER is a layered png created using the PureSpider template and the poker logo created with CoolText and a big inspiration from playing.cccccards by John Karel (@jjjjjjjjohn) and Mark Knol (@mknol).

I give 25% of the 25% royalty of this work to the minter.

The reserves list this time is for Valentine Card holders, the reserves list is valid for 24 hours and then will be released to the public.

Good Luck!

*the previous gentk flagged for gambling, so I remove the gambling things. :P

Minted Price0 TEZCreator
not jjjjjohn
Lower is rarer
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