Starting with a repeatable system of colors and/or triangles typically seen in geometric abstraction, rive employs generative art to break/split/rive those patterns–and the comfort we find in them–in slight, seemingly unintentional ways. With each subsequent split, our comfort fades as the artwork is shredded into barely recognizable fragments of a once carefully orchestrated pattern.
Not all rivings are created equal; some are subtle and barely visible while others are acute and violent.
What holds it together is what breaks it apart.
created using triangles and p5js
rive abstractment, 2022
Functionality: Press ‘p’ to save as a png. Press 0-9 to render at varying degrees of quality. 0 to 9 (highest quality, ~15k x ~15k, depending on the dimensions). The window background will change colors when completed rendering. Press ⬆️ (arrow up) to increase pixel density by 0.5. Press ⬇️ (arrow down) to decrease pixel density by 0.5.