Project #13194 — iteration #133

Minted on May 22, 2022 at 18:02

In 'Geoetris', the random mixture of simple geometric forms and vibrant colour palettes converge towards an artistic manifestation of geometric abstraction.

The collection is limited to 161 works of art, the first three digits of the golden ratio, a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in geometric figures.


Press 's' to save a high resolution PNG at 10000 x 10000 px.
Press 'e' to save the current canvas view.



Palette: dark1, dark2, dark3, vrolik1, vrolik2, retro1, retro2, origami, magma, jungle, lava, tuscany
Background: derived from the palette
Partitions: partitions,
Noisy: true, false


Artwork by @cristianrohr.

Made with P5js and <3.

Minted Price0.8 TEZCreator
Cristian Rohr
Fallapse L
Lower is rarer
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