Waiting To Be Signed Logo with Wobbles #57

created byWaiting To Be Signed

owned bymaxsnaps

created byWaiting To Be Signed

owned bymaxsnaps

Waiting To Be Signed Logo with Wobbles #57

Project #13136 — iteration #57

Minted on May 18, 2022 at 14:15

Every week we sit down at our desks, power on the podcasting software that was funded by our first generous donation, and record an episode of Waiting To Be Signed using the audio equipment that was purchased with the proceeds of our first NFT drop all the way back in January.

Making this podcast is a labor of love, one that has taken us through bull markets and bear, past beta and into the 1.0 launch. We record through New York City sirens, traffic, and the birth of new life.

We are now releasing our first post-beta NFT with the help of an anonymous artist (thank you now and forever!). Please consider purchasing, not as an investment in art or your portfolio, but as an investment in us and the content that we create. Our dream is to grow with fxhash and be there with it, and you, every single step of the way.

Thank you to everyone who listens each week, writes us messages of support, and helps build this beautiful community that we are all so lucky to be a part of.

Minted Price1 TEZCreator
Waiting To Be Signed
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