Generative painting based on churning waves with floating buoys. Represented in three different media.
Features: - Three drawing styles: "watercolor" 70%, "brush" 30%, or "block" 70% - Warm white or blue waves - Variable border and column sizes - Number of columns - Calm waves at the edges or center - Color 80% or red 20% buoys - Buoy drawing style, "watercolor" or "brush"
Viewing in desktop Chrome is recommended for the best results. Press ’s’ to save a screenshot. Image size is 928x1200px Press ’p’ to pause/resume.
Add '&size=#' to the end of the live view URL to render a variation of your edition at a resolution up to 3,000 px.
Copyright (c) 2022 Matt Perkins,, @nudoru on Twitter. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.