Project #25996 — iteration #17

Minted on March 16, 2023 at 17:32

-Visual (and sound) representation of different SORTING algorithms. From the first N (24,32,40 or 48) characters of fxhash are sorted using one of the 5 possible sorting algorithms (bubble, quick, selection, insertion or heap).

-Each selected character is assigned a color (and a sound) according to its position in the sorting pattern: "123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"

-The selected characters are ordered by one of the algorithms. All the steps performed by the algorithm to sort the characters are represented to form the final image.

-Click -> start the sorting process / pause the sorting process (animated+sound)

-Double click -> start the fast sorting process (x4) / stop the process and show the final image.

-'S' -> save an image at twice the resolution


- "num_chars": N first chars of fxhash (24,32,40 or 48).
- "sort_alg": Sorting algorithm used (bubble, quick, selection, insertion or heap).
- "from": where the visual sorting starts on the screen (dalt, baix, dreta o esquerra)
- "color": Color range used (gray(base), red, green, blue, multi, random, etc.. )
- "dark": background color (true, false)
- "one_scale": same escale for width and height (true, false)
- "equal_scales": all chars has the same scale (true, false)
- "proportional": the width and height sizes of the image are proportional (true, false)
- "blur": shadow blur value (0,5,10,15 or 20)
- "steps_ratio": the number of steps needed by the algorithm to sort the chars,
- "freq_fact": the freq assigned to the chars are divided by this value.

-powered by p5js and p5.sound

NOTE: if 50% mints have not been exceeded in a few days, the number of iterations will be halved.

Minted Price0.5 TEZCreator
Lower is rarer
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