'Here When You Need Me' is a generative system that creates...
Good question, and I think the answer is up to you. Jewels? Reflections? The Sand in a Life's Hourglass?
Who knows. The truth is that I didn't have anything in mind for the project, and where it has ended up was purely through exploration, and a refinement of simple methods.
By the end, it has become exactly what I needed it to be, and the results of this project give me an encouragement that is difficult to explain.
Now, one of the primary features of the project is your ability to make it what you need. Several URL arguments are explained below that will allow you to tweak your edition's distortion and resolution.
15% of primary sales will be donated to 'Girls Who Code' 15% of primary sales will be donated to 'Cure Parkinson's'
10% of royalties will go to 'Girls Who Code' 10% of royalties will go to 'Cure Parkinson's' 10% of royalties will go to the original minter
Thank you everyone.
Options ------- Parameters can be appended to the live URL to adjust the output's distortion, resolution, border size, and border color. These are all fun to play with, and can be used in combination to showcase the variability and potential of each piece.
'&distortion=#': Adjust distortion, any value from 0.0 to 3.0 (Use 0 to see a 'flat' version of the image) '&resolution=#': Multiplier for width/height, any value from 0.1 to 6.0 (Soft max of 3.9) '&borderSize=#': Multiplier for border size, any value from 0.0 to 3.0 (Use 0 for no border) '&borderColor=ffffff': Custom border color, any 6 character hex code (Do not include '#')
An example of using multiple options would be '&resolution=2&distortion=.5'
Please check the linked fx(text) article for detailed examples on using these options.
Distortion ---------- I wanted to provide some amount of control to take advantage of the possibilities of generative art. 'Here When You Need Me' starts off at a certain point, but allows you to adjust the distortion to your favorite level.
Using '&distortion=0' will show the underlying shapes.
Resolution / Printing --------------------- 'Here When You Need Me' looks best with at least '&resolution=2' and is designed to support printing. Remember that parameters can be provided to adjust the border attributes as well.
Ideally, you should aim for 300 'pixels per inch' for a decent quality print. Default resolution is 1800x2400.
Some quick math will give you the correct modifier if you start with the width in inches of your desired print.
(inches) * (ppi) / (default width)
An important note, the maximum resolution modifier I've had success with is 3.9 because of the browser's image size limitations, but the capability is still in the code to go higher in case it is helpful to someone.
If you have your edition printed, please share with me because it would make me incredibly happy to see it!
--------- Thank you to everyone for your support and contributions.
I put way more detail in this description than I intended, but if you want even more, you can read about the development and potential of this project in the accompanying fx(text) article, once it is written.