Modulacions (Modulations): modulation with an oscillator (carrier) with an LFO (modulator).
-The LFO is controlled by some of fxhash characters
-Some parameters are randomly assigned to each of the possible characters of the fxhash string (0,1,2....X,Y,Z): carrier frequency, maximum and minimum frequencies of the modulator, waveforms, views etc.
-A number of fxhash characters are selected (8,16,24,32, 40 or 48), and in order they are played and displayed using the assigned values.
-Each character is encoded in binary-> the LFO frequency is controlled: 1->maximum frequency, 0->minimum frequency.
Features: ·dark: black (true) or white (false). ·carrier_wave: wave shape of carrier oscillator (sine, square, triangle or sawtooth) ·modulator_mult: value of LFO multiplier. ·modulator_sum: value added to LFO amplitude. ·num_fxhash_chars: number of fxhash characters used (8,16,24,32, 40 or 48) ·bits_display: bits string visualization (3 types) ·carrier_freq_range: frequency range of carrier (low, mid or high). ·frames_per_bit: duration of each bit in frames.(15,20,25 or 30)
-NOTE: Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.