Wisdom Tiles from the Old Country #7

created byPlastic Tolstoy

owned bytz2Gqwx...CApog5N

created byPlastic Tolstoy

owned bytz2Gqwx...CApog5N

Wisdom Tiles from the Old Country #7

Project #23777 — iteration #7

Minted on January 18, 2023 at 17:30
Image composition

In the Netherlands we have a tradition that just won't go away. It's the Delft's Blue porcelain wisdom tiles. These tiles are a frumpy reminder of folk wisdom passed down through the generations.
Most grandparents have at least 3x of them.

Today we love to give these as an ironic joke present to friends at a housewarming party. We then hang these at a prominent place, like our toilet, so family and guests can be inspired by the wisdom of oldentimes while doing the business.

It's literally wisdom for you to poop on.

For this I've taken this tradition and given it a modern twist. I collected all the elements: walls, tiles, Delfts Blue patterns*, countless dutch proverbs, cut them up, sprinkled with icons, made some tweaks for added humor, put it all in a blender, and turned that dial to 11.

*For the Delfts Blue designs, I took inspiration not just from Dutch culture, but also from Keltic, Polynesian, and Heavy Metal / Punk. It adds much needed diversity and it fits perfectly.

The end result is the NFT collection you see here.

I hear you asking: Hey @Platolstoy: These new mixed-up proverbs, what do they mean?
Answer: Well, that's up to you, really. What do you want it to mean?

Most of the elements in the layers were sourced from Midjourney, designed in Photoshop, composited in After Effects, and last but not least generated with @PureSpider's PFP Token generator.

This project is a layered composition consisting of:
65x Backgrounds of different walls
27x Tiles of different materials
36x Delfts Blauw* patterns
86x Cheesy proverbs 2x lines
66x Icons

In total: literally a million-gazillion unique combinations of Wisdom Tiles. (1000 ed)
Feel free to explore and choose one that fits your look on life.

Have a nice day!
Plastic Tolstoy / @platolstoy / https://plastictolstoy.com/

Minted Price2 TEZCreator
Plastic Tolstoy
Plastic Tolstoy
Lower is rarer
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