Gentrax EP is a generative audiovisual artwork. Each iteration produces a generative house/garage track ~3 minutes in length while drawing out accompanying artwork. Live piece is aspect ratio agnostic and scales to any window size, but an aspect of 1:1.414 is preferred and can be set with an URL parameter.
Audio controls: 1-7: Channel mutes/unmutes a: Filter up z: Filter down c: Flanger on/off v: Reverb (cycle thru three settings) q: Switch bassline octave&seq (cycle thru three settings) b: Portamento on/off
Visual controls: p: Fast forward to final artwork o: Save canvas
Url parameters: &w=800 : Set width of canvas. If aspect ratio is not defined, artwork will be in preferred aspect ratio (1.41414) &a=1.5 : Set aspect ratio. number <1 = Wide canvas &wl=1 : Locks canvas aspect ratio to preferred
made with p5.js & tone.js Using tonejs synthesis for bass plus oneshot samples from various drum machines & Alpha Juno 2 <3