
Project #22655 — iteration #16

Minted on December 20, 2022 at 17:01

Yet Another Noises and Flows

After three works on landscapes I returned to an abstract work in which I used several kinds of noise fields and a different approach to flow lines.

In this work I use three intermediate images to generate the final image:
- on the first image to each pixels is assigned a color related to the value of the noise field in that point using the main color palette
- on the second image the gradient orientation (angle) of the field is used to assign colors using a secondary palette with the purpose of giving lights and shadows to the final image
- on the third image flow lines are drawn using the direction perpendicular to the gradient, in this way the flows are aligned to the contour lines

After the second and third step the new generated image is blended with the previous giving rise to the final image.

Developed with p5.js

Default resolution: 2400x1600, 1600x2400, 2000x2000 (3/2, 2/3, 1/1 aspect ratio)

[2] to redraw at double resolution (it takes four times then default)
[1] to redraw at default resolution
[s] to save a png at current resolution

Sources of variations are:
- 14 palettes
- 6 kinds of combinations of noise type and fractal type
- 8 kinds of cuts
- 3 kinds of aspect ratio
- 3 border thickness

This Generative Token uses the FastNoiseLite.js and chroma.js libraries.

Created by Andrea Belloni, fxhash: anbello, twitter: @Waterflowing0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.

Minted Price23 TEZCreator
Lower is rarer
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