A polymorph tessellation is an irregular tessellation of regular polygons. As the main tessellation used in this Truchet pattern is a polymorph tessellation and as the design morphs from chaotic patterning to rigid order we decided it was an appropriate name.
Keyboard interaction: r - redraw with randomised tiles and colours within the same palette, other variables constant. c - redraw with only chaos tiles. o - redraw with only ordered tiles. m - redraw with mixed tiles. b - remove border. d - restore border. 1,2,3,4,7 - redraw at corresponding values x 1000. All of the above redraw the artwork and so will take a few seconds to complete. Tiling pattern feature "Hexagons, Squares and Triangles" behaves slightly differently to the others in response to the 'o' and 'c' keys. Each palette contains 7 colours from which 5 are chosen for each rendering. These are re-chosen on randomisation so may change the feel of the artwork significantly.